Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Minimalist's Desk

Even though I am a minimalist, I have a lot to keep track of. I keep books for my family's construction company and our real estate investment company. I also paint and play the guitar. All of these activities can cause a cluttered mess to occur really quickly. I have a real office but it has been taken over by my new art print hobby. So, I decided to make use of a rather cleaver space. Here it is:
Don't see it? No it's not the wicker box. That holds the all the remotes.
Here's my office! Yep it's all in here. Back left: Construction file box, Back right: sketch pads and watercolors, front left: office supplies and folders of bills to pay and items to file, front right: journal and guitar music. This has kept me really organized and keeps my living space uncluttered. I was lucky this came with my couch but, I don't see why someone couldn't convert an ottoman or coffee table or just use a trunk.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Emergen-C : Here's Their Answer...

Basically, it sounds like they're saying don't buy it if you don't like the packaging! I would love to hear what you think!

Dear Maureen:
Thank you for writing and sharing your concerns.
Our Emergen-C fizzing drink mix products are moisture-sensitive and effervescent, which means individual, airtight packages are necessary to keep the powder dry inside. We are always open to recyclable packaging options; however, to date we have not found recyclable packaging that preserves the quality of the product. We are consistently researching new ways of improving our current processes. And you'll be happy to know that our box is fully recyclable.
You might prefer to use our Super Gram III; it is very close in formulation to Emergen-C, but it is sustained-release tablets that are swallowed. There is no individual packaging and the bottle itself is recyclable. For more information about Super Gram III, please visit our website at
You can purchase Super Gram III at any of the retailers below:
If we can be of help in any other way, please let us know.
Kindest regards,
Barbi Hehn
Customer Service Manager
Alacer Corp., Makers of Emergen-C
(800) 854-0249

Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Minimalist's Letter to Emer-gen-C

Here's my letter to Emer-gen-C based on my casual survey. I included as many of my readers' ideas as I could. Do you think they'll listen?

Dear Alacer Corp.,

I belong to a large network of on line communities interested in the environment and reducing packaging in particular. I did a survey on my web site asking if your product should be packaged differently. First of all, people love the product! Many people use it instead of Alka-seltzer for sour stomachs and hangovers. We dislike the current packaging however, as it contains plastic. We would like something made of waxy paper that we can put into our compost piles, I suggested either a tea bag type or a Pixie Stick type tube. People loved the Pixie Stick idea because they could pop one into a purse or pocket. It was also suggested that they could be sold in a single tube at the supermarket checkout area and that perhaps the multipack package could be smaller.

I am sorry to see you producing bottled water. Shame on you! Just so you know, there's a huge movement to boycott bottled water. People want simplicity and less plastic! I urge you to listen to your customers. I will be printing my letter and your response all over the web, so I appreciate your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, The Minimalist

If you would like to try to help me influence this company to dump the plastic, follow the link below and let them know how you feel. I believe that we need to stop garbage before it happens! We can do it! (They'll send you some free coupons too!)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

16 Ways to 'Green Up' the Kitchen

Green up your kitchen and it will be less cluttered, cleaner, and prettier too!

I started this site not just to help people unclutter their lives , but also to help show that reducing our consumption of things we don't use much (like kitchen gadgets) or didn't even ask for (like junk mail), can really help our planet. I hope some of these ideas take some of the stress out of your everyday living as they have for me. Thanks, The Minimalist

1. Donate your Coffee Maker and instead use a French Press more
2. Replace your old dishwasher with an Energy Star model that uses less water read more
3. Replace your old fridge fro an Energy Star model that dispenses filtered more
4. Donate your microwave to a school and try living without why
5. Use washable bar rags and a bit of bleach mixed with water in a spray bottle to disinfect your kitchen.... here's why
6. Limit your kitchen gadgets that will eventually end up in's how
7. Buy your last set of good quality pots and pans .... read more
8. Store things properly so food doesn't go to waste .... here's how
9. Stop buying food in cans.... here's why
10. Support your local farmer's market... here's an easy way
11. Cook from scratch, it's not that big a deal...... here's some help
12. Reduce your junk mail and get it off your kitchen table's how
13 Stop catalogs from piling's how
14 Contact companies and request that they change to earth friendly this
15. Compost your kitchen scraps .... here's how
16. Reduce your use of all plastics, recycle numbers 1-6 containers at your local transfer station, and bring your own bags to the store more