Now here's my idea for the day: I love those Emrgen-C vitamin fizzy drinks but they come in a foil and plastic package. If they were in paper packet like a tea bag or in a paper tube like a Pixie Stick, I could just drop them into my compost bin. So, I'm going to write to the company, but before I do, I want to know what my friends think. So leave a comment and vote for either:

Tea bag like packet or Pixie Stick like tube. Then I'll let the company know the results when I write to them.
I agree with tea bag format.. but I dont think flusable diapers are better than reusable...
You are of course right but, if we could get more people to just start thinking about what they are doing with those plastic disposable ones, wouldn't that be a good thing? Not perfect, but better?
THANK YOU for the comment, and the link! Wow! Thats wonderful :) I just signed up to be an affiliate gMum too! Great timing!
I gotta say, the idea about the pixie stick is great. I use EmergenC when my throat flares up sore and it's gone by the next morning! Foil packs of anything are a pain :) And I think that might actually make their entire package smaller. Good idea!
I was just having the same thought about Emergen-C the other day! Even the boxes the packets come in seem to be plastic-coated. I vote for a pixie stick. They are cute and convenient and they would use less resources (I think) than a tea bag (which would need some kind of fabric-y bag and maybe a string and a wrapper, etc). Plus, pixie sticks are pretty sturdy (from what I remember) so I could throw a couple in my bag and not worry about having Emergen-C powder all over teh bottom!
Thanks for commenting on my blog, It was interesting to find out your son is a contractor, that is also what my business is. I would be more than glad to offer some advice on getting customers that can keep him busy year round. I too remember the start up days before things picked up and working 16 hour days just hustling up the next job, I am finally reaching a point where I actually have a sales team and a few crews out making me money with the majority of my time being spent in office.
whoa...flushable...i'll try to find something like that here once i get a baby ....after ten years that is! ;p
we don't have emergen-c in my country but if i am to choose...i'll pick the pixie sticks because you can bring it anytime and can fit in purses and don't have to worry spilling the contents (they're plastics right?)
i wish my comment made sense haha!
GREAT idea. I'm always bugged by all the commercials selling 'clean or green' products but you still buy them in stupid plastic bottles and need copious amounts of paper towells to use the stuff (at least they show that on the commercial). why not have coops where people bring with own container and fill it with the liquids and detergents and what not. just found your blog, good stuff.
Thanks for your comment. As far as Green Cleaners go. there really isn't any cleaner you can't make yourself with common kitchen items like vinegar, bleach, baking soda, etc. Check out my previous post for more details and thanks for visiting!
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