Even though I am a minimalist, I have a lot to keep track of. I keep books for my family's construction company and our real estate investment company. I also paint and play the guitar. All of these activities can cause a cluttered mess to occur really quickly. I have a real office but it has been taken over by my new art print hobby. So, I decided to make use of a rather cleaver space. Here it is:
Don't see it? No it's not the wicker box. That holds the all the remotes.
Here's my office! Yep it's all in here. Back left: Construction file box, Back right: sketch pads and watercolors, front left: office supplies and folders of bills to pay and items to file, front right: journal and guitar music. This has kept me really organized and keeps my living space uncluttered. I was lucky this came with my couch but, I don't see why someone couldn't convert an ottoman or coffee table or just use a trunk.
wow is that cool...i so wish i had one!! though i'm sure i would still lose everything in it!
Talk about space saver.
I've always like such stuff, you did a great a job here and posting it does bring it to people's attention
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