Thursday, March 29, 2018

Zero Waste Kitchen Ideas - Paper Towels, Microwave Mat

A big way to cut down on kitchen waste is to stop or limit the use of paper towels. Since they are  a one use item, I can go through a roll of those really fast. So what I did was to purchase enough dish towels and bar mops for each day of the week so there are always fresh ones. That way they can be washed and reused. I delagated my paper towel roll to the cupboard under my sink so it isn’t the first choice anyone grabs to clean up a spill or dry something off. I haven’t needed to buy a new roll in over a year! That’s a real money saver. I love to get something off of my shopping list! 

Paper napkins are a real waste of money and trees. We use cloth napkins at my house. I am not above cracking out paper plates and napkins for a party though. I used to use paper plates quite a lot in the microwave but I bought a silicone mat that you can put food directly on, eliminating the need for that.

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