Monday, August 25, 2008

Save Energy: Sleep Naked

In my efforts to be creative about saving energy, I have tried to cut down on laundry and especially using the drier. I was noting that I don't have to wash any PJs for my husband because he sleeps au natural. It actually cuts down on a lot of laundry, assuming one would wear sleep wear once and throw it into the wash. That's 365 items! That's got to be a lot of laundry! So, I decided to join him in this conservation effort. After all, less laundry means, less energy used, less water used, and less work for me! Here's a pastel drawing of someone contributing to this cause. If you'd like to see more of my art work you can visit my art blog: Banba's Artful Realm.


Karin Bartimole said...

Oh, that's funny - but brilliant! And your 'contributor to the cause' is looking quite satisfied by the concept. Love your weaving daily life into artful inspiration...

Anonymous said...

mmmmmm, an idea to keep in mind when our summer starts!!!!
Well i did do something else though, I cut off all my hair last weekend, so no more hairdryer.. thats got to save a LOT of energy!@!!! :)

Anonymous said...

unique way of saving energy...

Penny said...

What a wonderful drawing!

LisaP said...

Hi there!
I'm sorry to leave this as a comment but I couldn't find how else to contact you. You have a wonderful, fun and creative blog here! I like practical approaches to conservation.
I was thinking you might be interested in posting to my website We're a pretty new alternative and green networking site and you would be a fantastic addition to the community.

Please check us out and let me know what you think.

Best wishes~

Bonez said...

I didn't realize what a conservationist I was. I have slept au natural all my adult life and never understood why everyone didn't. Now I have some quality information from a reliable source to back up my claims that it is the way to go to save the planet.

K.M. George said...

The only way to go!!!! I have always done it, but never put it into the "green" perspective before!

K.M. George
Hodge Podge Blog

Anonymous said...

thats funny as well brilliant

Banba said...

Thanks everyone. Who says environmentalism isn't sexy? Here's a site you will all probably like: