Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Minimalist’s Issues with Traveling Garbage

I met my sister and niece in Las Vegas to watch her in a cheer leading competition. We had a great time but I was distracted by all the garbage we created! I guess I really am obsessed with garbage because I think I generated more garbage in one week end than I would in a month at home! It was disgusting!

Of course it was all packaging, the thing that is choking our planet. Here’s how it went: on the airplane I was given two snacks in foil packets and a drink in a plastic cup. I couldn’t recycle the newspaper I was reading either. I tried to leave it in the pouch in the seat in front of me and was scolded by the flight attendant. (Remember when they used to be young and cute and always said, “Have a nice Day?”)

Then there were the plastic cups in the hotel room.

We went to see Elton John’s Red Piano Show which was wonderful. Unfortunately, every time we got another glass of wine from the concession stand there was another plastic cup. We asked if we could reuse the same ones and were told no with a condescending look. My sister thought she might reuse the cups at her house in her hot tub since they said Caesar's on them and were kind of cute but the idea of carrying them around all night soon lost it’s appeal.

Back at our hotel room we opted for extra towels and no maid service to save on sheet washing, vacuuming, and human energy. We reused the same plastic cups all weekend too. I even painted watercolors with one. But Las Vegas is having a water issue right now so there were the water bottles we threw away. Again, where were we to recycle them in a hotel? At least we made sure we turned off the lights and unplugged the hair appliances when we weren’t in the room.

Of course, everything we bought came with a plastic bag.

When we went to the Orleans Arena. There were thousands of cheerleaders everywhere and they had strewn litter all over the place. ( Not our team!) That was really sad.

On the way home: more plastic cups, foil wrappers, and a newspaper, (not recycled.)

Although, we had a great time, I came home with a whole list of new concerns about garbage and the tourist industry. So bare with me, I’m going to have to rant about garbage for at least five more posts. At least, my beautiful niece saw all of the small things we adults tried to do to be green and I know she took it all in.

I hate plastic! I found a great blog on the subject. Check it out!
And this....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My latest rant about wasteful plastic is the organic milk that comes in cartons with a plastic screw-top. This makes me crazy!! What's wrong with the old-fashioned "tear and squeeze" spout? It makes me especially upset that organic milk producers are using this packaging . . . shouldn't they be encouraging less plastic??